Peer Support + Professional FACILITATORS = Greatness

Turbocharge your Week with a highly curated
peer group

Stop charting uncharted territory alone, stay accountable, mastermind, and accelerate your growth with professionally facilitated weekly sessions with your group.

Try It Risk Free With Our:

Rated 4.97/5 from over 300 reviews.
members include Leaders from  
Bryan Davis
• Oct 23
"Peerbase has helped me to not only grow my business, but to also grow as a leader. I'm grateful for the personalized coaching and support from the group. 💪🏽💪🏽”
Abigail Johnson
• Dec 3
"I've been blown away by the level of support and guidance I've received from my group. It's been a game-changer for my business.📈"
Elizabeth Taylor
• Sept 2
"Joining Peerbase was one of the best decisions I've made for my business. The support and guidance from the experts and other members has been invaluable."
David Brown
• Dec 19
"The community has completely transformed the way I approach my business. The support and accountability from the group has pushed me to new heights. 🚀 "
Emily Smith
• Jan 2
"Through the accountability groups, I've been able to connect with other successful entrepreneurs and form partnerships that have been instrumental in the success of my business."

Tired of going at it alone?

If you’re anything like the entrepreneurs we help, you're constantly pushing yourself, yet no matter how hard you work, you always feel behind & know you could be moving faster.

The relentless pursuit of success can be isolating, leaving you to navigate challenges without a support system.

Sadly, most people turn to the same old solutions: woo-woo self-help books, expensive courses from gurus, or online communities with no real interaction.

But it never works, because every other solution just puts more on your plate…

They demand more willpower, more learning time, and more mental effort, and so they always fail after the initial excitement wears off.

Go farther together

The reason most solo endeavors (or solopreneuers) struggle is due to the absence of a support network, making it easy to veer off course.

Our proven system recognizes that true progress happens in collaboration, not isolation.

Whether it's literal isolation or the sense of being surrounded by people who simply don't get it.

Our 'Go Farther Together' ethos addresses this head-on.

We connect you not just with a professional coach but with a carefully curated group of like-minded entrepreneurs with similar goals & challenges.

Weekly calls serve as a lifeline for discussing wins, navigating hurdles, setting goals, and providing the camaraderie & accountability needed for sustained growth.

How it works

Just Show up and let us do the heavy lifting

Sign up

Sign up, complete your profile, and book your 1 v 1 onboarding call with a coach.

Placed in Curated Group

We leverage AI to place you in a group that will maximize your growth. Every group has a professional facilitator to guide every session and keep you on track with your goals.

Show up & Contribute

Show up and be pushed to the next level, get access to customized goal tracking, accountability updates, goal setting, and notes directly from your coach.

See why 90% of our members stay for over a year

Crafted with years of experience

Weekly Video Sessions

Small Peer Groups.
Big Impact.

3 peers who “get it”. 1 coach who has “done it”. Structured and targeted convos focused on personal and career growth. 

Go fast alone. Go far together

backed with experience

Expert coaches & licenced health care professionals

Coach's who have “done it”.

Our coaches are repeat founders with battle tested experiences, & licensed health care professionals

We hand place coaches in your cohort based on their relevance to the issues your tackling.

Text Messages & Emails

Accountability &
Goal setting + tracking

Strategic goals targeting forward growth, weekly review, and celebrations of wins with your facilitated peer group.

highly vetted network

Continuous Networking

Meet new friends, potential business partners, clients, that serve as your personal board of directors

Rotate groups every 6 weeks to build on that network.
Soon you will have a strong foundation of peers to contact for all different occurrences.

Peerbase Community

Exclusive Access

Your peer group is where it all starts, as a Peerbase member get exclusive access to our community, workshops, live sessions, and so much more!

Take action & start hitting your goals today.

It’s easy and takes 5 minute or less.
1 v 1 onboarding session with expert coach
Weekly 1 hour accountability calls
Auto synced calendar invites and notes
Regular support & check ins via text / email
Access to live webinars & workshops
Access to our content library
+ So much more

Answers to all your questions

What Happens After I Sign Up?
You get connected with an expert coach for an onboarding call, during your onboarding call you'll work with your coach to dail in your goals and get setup for success.

Then every week you'll automatically be paired up with 3 other members that we hand select based on your goals and background.

And you can keep track of your progress on your dashboard.

It's that simple....
Do You Allow Direct Competitors? I Don't Want Someone Stealing My Best Ideas...
Our proprietary process connecting members ensures you won't be connected with new members who might be considered a direct competitor.

But believe it or not, most members like the idea of having "competitors" as fellow members. It doesn't work in every market, but for most industries "cooperation" is preferred over competition, and when members in the same industry share ideas and help one another they can create a tide that rises all ships.

You can also always request a new group if you feel your current group isn't a good fit for you.
Do I Have To Be An Entrepreneur To Sign Up?
Not at all, Peerbase is currently focused on entrepreneurs, executives, and creatives, because we've seen them get the highest ROI, but if you feel you'll get a positive ROI from being a member we'd love to have you along!
Is My Information 100% Private, Confidential, And Secure?
Yes, all your interactions with your coach and group are considered 100% privileged and confidential. Your information is NEVER shared outside of Peerbase.

We have a lot of serious entrepreneurs doing important work on our platform, and protecting their trade secrets, intellectual property and personal information is one of our top priorities.

We share the standard marketing data and analytics that most smart companies do – you can read our privacy policy for more information on that.

The actual data you share with us related to your plans, tasks, and schedule are never ever shared.
My Company Is Very Successful But We Aren't Strong On The Digital Side.... Can I Still Apply?
ABSOLUTELY! we're all about growing BUSINESSES.

Online...offline...product-based...service-based...literally any business can benefit from being a part of an accountability group and our members benefit from having colleagues with a diverse set of skills.

So whether you're a hot-shot Internet wiz-kid with SEO secrets whispered to you from God himself, or whether you're a seasoned veteran with experience running "real" brick and mortar businesses (but who can barely spell FTP and doesn't have a clue what it stands for)... we'd love to have you.

Business is business...let's help one another grow and get better at ALL aspects of business.

See why 90% of our members
stay for over a year